Case Study: Positive Change & Making Room for Baby

Dan is a down-to-earth business owner who brings a wealth of experience into his leadership role throughout the Strat-Op process. As a “team of one”, I wasn’t sure if this would be beneficial for my company. After all, I’ve been doing it alone all this time, right? Let me tell you how helpful it has been to have an outside party who is trained to lead business owners through the strategic planning process. During round one of Strap-Op, Dan helped me discover a potential “gold mine” to focus on for increased revenue. While we went through all of the steps to help plan for and move forward with the development of my current company, I was also able to utilize these same tools to develop the new company. What a fantastic surprise! As a psychotherapist turned business owner, I really appreciate the techniques Dan has taught me in order to help identify what’s working and what isn’t – in terms of bottom line! Lots of things “feel” they’re going well, but Dan was able to help me identify areas where we were dumping a lot of resources with very little in the way of revenue return. The past year has been a great learning process for me. Now I feel like I have the increased confidence and skillset to scale my company much more effectively and efficiently than if I had continued to go about it on my own. Thank you, Dan!

- Jennifer Lundy-Aguerre, MFT #42025
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist