Steps to Success

Being Open

Being Open

Open is a powerful and positive word. It’s inviting to the possibilities and opportunities our world has to offer. Open for business. Opening doors for the next adventure. Open to new ideas and habits. Open for lunch! These statements get us excited, especially the latter. Yet, it can be easy for all of us to act the opposite. Working hard, head down, following a narrow path to…..where?

Are you, open?

At Confluence Strategy, we begin with open conversations about the current challenges and opportunities your team or organization is facing. It’s possible we can help. If we can’t, we’re open and honest about that as well.

Are you open for taking on the challenges in front of you? Are you open to hearing the truth about your organization from those on your team? Are you open for accountability? Are you open to alignment? Are you open to asking for help to achieve your vision?

Contact us today for a free consultation and to begin the conversation.

Clarity Through Perspective

Clarity Through Perspective

When creating your strategic plan, we believe in starting by gaining perspective of where your organization has been and how you arrived at your current junction. Your team may have intersected and formulated during various times, leaving each member to see events from a different light and distance. We bring this story into focus for all to see, providing clarity and understanding amongst the team for moving forward.

“An unexamined life is not worth doing.”
-Socrates, Greek philosopher

Vision for the Future

Vision for the Future

Once your team stands on common ground, we cultivate focused conversations around where your team wants to go. Insight from each department and collective experience from the individual leaders in the organization, collaboratively help define the vision and goals for the future. This culture building activity brings alignment to your team and ignites a momentum for achievement.

“Success is not unlimited opportunity,
but focused possibility.”
-Tom Paterson, Creator of the StratOp Process

Action for Success

Action for Success

Training for a marathon can be grueling. The later part of the training cycle when the miles are escalating each week takes its toll on your body and limits your extended energy for other activities in your life if you’re not taking care of yourself. It wouldn’t make sense for any athlete to train this hard, then not run the race. The race is where all the fun is. Go win it!

Yet, this has been observed in many strategic planning processes. Maybe you’ve been through it? Many hours, high expenses and resources invested in the creation of a plan, but it rests on the shelf. It’s never rolled out to the rest of the team or applied to achieve any goal. This is where Confluence Strategy is different.

During the initial 3-day session of formulating the core plan, we work hard alongside your cross-functional team. We culminate the experience by examining the details of what’s important now. We focus on doing the right things, first. These intentional actions towards achieving our vision lay the groundwork for continued momentum and installation of the system that will pay the dividends we’re after.

As we guide your organization through the StratOp Process, our goal is for your organization to realize clarity, become aligned in one vision and systematically develop a rhythm in your focused actions to continually achieve your goals.

“Efficiency is doing things right;
effectiveness is doing the right things.”
-Peter Drucker, Founder of Modern Management”

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