Teams that find value in developing a strategic plan are typically feeling as if members are pulling in different directions. They encounter frequent roadblocks with ideas and solutions to issues. There’s a sense of being stuck and they’re having problems reaching their full potential. The culture of the organization can be toxic or just not what it could be. They want to grow and expand the impact of their offering, but they’re hesitant and unsure of the next move. Often, people are asking, “Where do we go from here?”

Creating a strategic plan using the StratOp process provides more than a plan for your team. You gain alignment amongst your staff and a culture of choice and momentum. StratOp installed as a system in your organization for continually achieving your goals will create continued growth, accountability, ownership and efficiency across all departments.

Confluence Strategy will guide you through the StratOp Process using Socratic curiosity. This approach leads by asking powerful questions, at the right time. The team finds their answers through self discovery and inevitably owns the outcome. Buy-in from the team happens naturally.

The thought provoking, customized tools used during the StratOp process will help your team gain perspective on where you stand by discussing what has transpired during the history of your organization. We will use the clarity we’ve discovered to develop a unified vision amongst your team of where you want to go. This positive culture building process will fuel the hand crafted planning of how you will achieve the vision.

The Greek philosopher, Socrates, said, “An unexamined life is not worth doing.” The power of perspective. The StratOp process embraces this thinking and invests the necessary time and resources into gaining clear perspective before formulating a plan. Confluence Strategy will guide you to clarity through the process, across all silos of your organization, enabling you to see the best path to your success.

Your Confluence Strategy guide will lead your strategic planning session using the Socratic approach of asking well timed questions, of the right audience. The answers will spur more questions and involvement from your cross-functional team which leads to unity, a unique buy-in of the work and plan being created.

Your team will emerge from the StratOp strategic planning session with a bond, a sense of urgency for accomplishment and a clear vision of where you stand, where you’re headed and how you’ll get there.

The cost for a StratOp strategic planning session varies and is customized to each organization to ensure a quality experience is delivered, as well as impactful results. Since StratOp isn’t a one time planning event, the initial investment into a strategic planning session will be delivering dividends well into the future that will far exceed your upfront expense. In comparison, our fees can be similar to other consultants or executive coaching practices. Our focus is on you and your success, providing value that far exceeds your expectations.

Confluence Strategy guides your organization through the StratOp Process, a process which doesn’t discriminate. During the last 40 years, churches, start-ups, non-profits, teams and companies of all sizes and industries have benefited from the power of the StratOp Process.

We like to say, you are content and we are process. As your guide, we’ll get to know your team and familiarize ourselves with any industry related material and language needed prior to the engagement. Afterall, the language of business is universal.

The first round of the StratOp begins with a 3-day session, typically off-site. We recommend disconnecting yourself from your daily confines and distractions for these gatherings so that you’re able to fully engage and focus your efforts. This location should be comfortable and accommodating and conducive to collaborative events.

After the core plan is constructed in the first session, we separate for 6-8 weeks before reconvening for another 1 to 2 day session, depending on the size of the organization. During this time together we’ll evaluate the progress of the teams and build momentum for continued success.

The next session follows another 6-8 week recess. It’s during this session we’ll review the core plan, develop a cadence and rhythm to the teams future meetings and create a strategy for rolling out the strategic plan to the rest of the organization.

The final step is an annual renew of the core plan. A 2-day scrub of the core plan we created in round 1 and creating new goals for the following year. At this point of our journey, your team will begin to feel and see the momentum of implementing StratOp as a system in your organization.

Confluence Strategy is here to help in any way possible. Your first move could be an email, a phone call or a cup of coffee with a Confluence Strategy guide, whichever scenario accommodates you best. We’ll spend time communicating about the challenges and opportunities your organization is facing and how a strategic planning session utilizing the StratOp Process can help you reach your goals. Are you ready?

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